Rajib Rezwan

Hi ! I'm Rezwanul Islam Rajib . I'm a passionate programmer and software devloper . Everything about technology , the beauty in each and every one of them , makes me passionate about them . I wish I could see may be a little bit of all of them .

Creating an ASP.Net MVC 5 site using bootstrap Custom templates . Part -1

Recently I have struggled with a problem that , how I would use custom free templates in my asp.net mvc project rather then using default ones .   .

Here are the steps in making a beautiful bootstrap site using ASP.NET MVC 5.

Here are the steps in making a beautiful bootstrap site using ASP.NET MVC 5.

1. Download a free template or you can buy a premium template if you want.  For our example, we will be using the free Freelancertemplate of StartBootstrap.  After downloading, you should get the following files:

2. Open Visual Studio 2013 and create an ASP.NET Web Application.

In configuring, the application must be MVC.

I included Web API because I used them a lot in my application.

The last part is very important, because it’s very hard to add an authentication module once the project has been created, trust me, based on experience.

3.Once the project has been created, the next thing that we should do is to copy the files from our downloaded template to our project.  Make sure to overwrite any directories of the same name.
